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Department of Computer Technologies / Computer Programming Year 1 : Lect. M. Fatih KAFTANCI
Computer Technologies Program / Computer Programming Year 2 : Lect. İnayet Hakkı ÇİZMECİ
Office Services and Secretarial / Office Management and Executive Assistant Program 1 and 2 . Class : Lect. Gaye İpek SAÇLI
Electricity and Energy / Electricity Program 1st Class: Lect. Derya YAVUZ
Electricity and Energy / Electricity Program 2nd Class: Lect. H.Caner SAĞIROĞLU
Architecture and Urban Planning / Architectural Restoration Year 1 : Lect. Zeynep Merve CIFTCI
Architecture and Urban Planning / Architectural Restoration Year 2 : Lect. N. Gizem ARI
Architecture and Urban Planning / Land Registry and Cadastre Program 1st Year : Lect. Yunus KONBUL
Accounting and Tax / Accounting and Tax Applications Program 1 . Class : Lect. Ayse Gul KOCAK
Accounting and Tax / Accounting and Tax Applications Program 2 . Class : Lect. Mehmet YOLCU
Forestry / Forestry and Forest Products Program 1st Class: Lect. Güliz TÜRKMENOĞLU
Forestry / Forestry and Forest Products Program 2nd Class: Lect. Mehmet Emin ERGUN